A new harmonised standard becomes mandatory from December 31st 2013 which is EN54-23:2010. This standard is for all visual alarm devices (beacons) used on a fire system. There are several reasons for providing visual alarms for fire alarm systems, including:
- To alert people with a hearing loss
- Noisy areas where occupants are wearing ear defenders
- For staff alarms
- For use in broadcasting studios
- Areas such as hospital operating theatres
- Stage one visual alarms for extinguishing systems
Each of these applications will be required to use visual alarm devices that comply with EN 54 – 23. The standard does not apply to visual indicators such as remote LEDs or to supplementary visual alarms that are not considered part of the primary alarm system.
The standard covers planning, design, installation, commissioning and service and is intended to ensure that visual alarms are sufficiently bright to be effective as a primary means of alarm. To achieve this, the standard stipulates a minimum light level of 0.4lux on any surface, and manufacturers must specify the room size their product will cover with this level of illumination.